Primary school resources
Our resources for primary schools range from five-day to year-round walking challenges. We have everything your school needs; from celebrating the walk to school to raising awareness around the importance of sustainable travel. Or perhaps you want to embark on a longer-term behaviour change inititive combating congestion at the school gates and encouraging healthy habits for life? We've got it all!

WOW - the walk to school challenge
WOW is a pupil-led initiative, where children self-report how they get to school every day using the interactive WOW Travel Tracker. If they travel sustainably (walk, cycle, scoot or 'park and stride') at least once a week for a month, they get rewarded with a badge. It's that easy!
Your school’s unique badge requirements can be easily calculated below, simply enter the number of pupils at your school and average walking rate. If you’re unsure of the latter, we suggest setting it to 65% and ordering additional badges when required. Your order will include a WOW Travel Tracker subscription and guidance on getting started.
WOW badges
There are 11 badges to collect across the 2024/25 academic year, each one thoughtfully designed by a primary school-aged winning entrant to our annual WOW badge design competition.
WOW 2024/25 encourages pupils to explore their surroundings to reimagine a different walk to school and WALK WITH IMAGINATION, with a selection of badges ranging from a Bird's Eye View to Road Surfing up for grabs.
All of our WOW badges are manufactured in Cornwall from recycled plastic material, including old fridge trays, plastic plates and even yoghurt pot off-cuts, which were otherwise destined for landfill.
Delivery and contact information
Please note that WOW resources are delivered termly.
To talk to a member of the team please email Find out more about WOWNeed budget holder's sign-off to purchase WOW? Download our info sheet and quote sign-off template!Are you a Local Authority, Active Partnership, or other organisation which could fund WOW for schools in your area? Please email

Walk to School Week challenge
The five-day walking challenge is an annual celebration of the walk to school, brought to you by Living Streets.
This year’s challenge will see pupils discover The Magic of Walking, encouraging them to travel actively to school every day of the week. Encountering various magical beings along the way, they will learn about the important reasons to walk or wheel and its benefits for individuals, communities and the planet!
Classes will work together to make as many active journeys as possible across the week, tracking their progress as they go on the fun and interactive wallchart. Those that participate will receive daily stickers and an end of week reward!
Classroom packs contain resources for up to 30 pupils and are available in KS1/P1-3 and KS2/P4-7 variants, featuring differing, age-appropriate activities.
Each classroom pack contains:
- Teacher guidance
- One double-sided classroom wallchart / pledge poster
- Daily stickers for pupils and wallchart
- 30 pupil activity diaries
- 30 end of week pupil rewards
Delivery information
Orders placed from 14 May will be fulfilled on a best endeavours basis and are not guaranteed to arrive ahead of Walk to School Week, w/c 20 May 2024.
Prices do not include VAT and shipping, these will be calculated at checkout.